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Mi-Saison 2024

Show series for sale only at the Centre de Loisirs
$85 + taxes for members and $100 + taxes for public

BLIND SPOT is a comedy that will open your eyes to resilience, empathy and self-acceptance. In this captivating piece of bravery, Stéphanie Morin-Robert, who lost an eye in her battle against cancer, tells us about her life when she was only 7 years old. A fiery little girl, she brandishes her glass eye like a weapon. With the help of her cat, a pair of sunglasses, and an unexpected superpower, she quickly discovers that she is capable of confronting the bullies who torment her at her new school and accepting her disability. This powerful show combines humor, narration, puppetry, audiovisual work and interactions with the public.
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MARCH 2, 2024
Stéphanie Morin-Robert
M $25 - P $30
MARCH 8, 2024
Geneviève Gagnon

M $30 - P $35 - SM 55 $ - SP 60 $

Elle reprend la scène en présentiel et continue à faire ses spectacles !
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APRIL 27, 2024
Princes and Princesses Dance (5+) 
Disco Dance (19+)
JANUARY 26, 2024
The Bilinguish Boys

M - $25 P - $30
The Bilinguish Boys are a group formed in the suburbs of Greater Sudbury, between Azilda and Chelmsford. Made up of Stef Paquette, Dayv Poulin, and Édouard Landry, these guys from the 'scene' 'get together' from time to time to play!
FEBRUARY 10, 2024
Céleste Lévis

M $30 - P $35 SM $ 55 - SP $ 60

Céleste Lévis grew up in Timmins, Ontario. Music arrived later in her life, following serious health problems which forced the young girl to stop all sporting activities. In the darkest moments, music gives him a second life.
FEBRUARY 23, 2024
Atlas Géocircus

M $10 - P $15

Nomade depuis son enfance, on raconte qu’une valise lui servait de berceau. Lors d’un de ses voyages il fait la rencontre d’un clown appelé Hilarof, qui lui fait découvrir le merveilleux monde du cirque qu’il ne quitta jamais. Il grandit avec ses amis les jongleurs, les acrobates et les cracheurs de feu sous les couleurs de son chapiteau multicolore où on lui enseigna tout ce qu’il doit savoir. Il était particulièrement fort en géographie, il connaissait même des îles qui n’apparaissaient sur aucune carte.

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APRIL 13, 2024
Scott Pien-Picard

M $30 - P $35
Scott-Pien Picard is an Innu singer-songwriter from the community of Uashat Mak Maliotenam on the North Shore. He composes in Innu, his mother tongue; a rich and colorful language. Inspired by the groups Maten and Kashtin during his youth, he became passionate about music and began to strum the guitar. He participated in the television show Le Rythme 3 in Montreal in 2015, directed by Samian, and has participated for several years in Nikamun Mamuitun (Reuniting Songs), a major show uniting Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. Scott-Pien Picard has since been active on the indigenous music scene and performs in several communities in Quebec.
APRIL 23, 2024
Les Voisine

M 10 $ - P 15 $ 

Huguette, this exuberant woman, takes pleasure in hanging out her laundry with loud music, setting up her tent for nights of camping in her yard, or even practicing her acrobatic bike with noise. But what bothers her neighbor Vana the most is her trash cans which are always overflowing. The neighbors will learn to communicate in order to ultimately understand each other better, and a glimmer of friendship will even end up appearing between these two women who may ultimately not be so different after all!

This circus and clown game show is aimed at children aged 5 to 12.

MAI 7, 2024
Mme Brûlé

M $25 - P $30 SM $50 - SP $55

Called in for a last-minute replacement, Ms. Brûlé is euphoric at the idea of obtaining her first teaching contract. Her enthusiasm, however, quickly gives way to panic when she realizes that she is the fourth substitute of the year. Her arrival in the class also coincides with the annual parents' meeting during which she must hand in the report cards which are... nowhere to be found.  In a series of physical comedy numbers, mixing slapstick and object theater, the spectator who sometimes takes on the role of the student, sometimes that of the parent, witnesses the descent into hell of a teacher who clings despite everything has only one hope, his vocation: to change the world one child at a time. 
Thank you to our sponsors!
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